Indo-American Senior Citizen Center of New York

New york Time
India Time
During the last six years, membership Increased from 500+ to 1700
Please note our Online Zoom Meeting Credentials to log in:
Meeting ID: 5166075252          Passcode: 5252

President's THANK YOU Letter - Mukund Mehta

Dear Friends:

Hope you’re doing fine.

Perhaps you may recall that early January this year, at the persistent request of the entire IASCCOFNY’s (Center’s) Executive Committee (EC), I had agreed to continue as President for one more year until 2022 year end.

Again, history repeated itself as the entire EC members strongly urged this week to extend my presidency for a few months since a couple of principal office bearers have requested to relieve themselves and some office bearers are or likely to be away for a few months. In view thereof, I again succumbed to their request and extended my presidency until February 2023.

As the year-end is fast approaching, I’d like to thank you, sponsors, donors and volunteers whose support and participation catapulted our Center to a new height.

The Center is very stable and growing with a robust membership exceeding 1,700 and with a sound financial position consisting a net worth exceeding half a million dollars. Also, the Center has remained abuzz with Zoom meetings and in-person celebrations of major events throughout the year. Members enjoyed lectures by speakers from various disciplines and savored a variety of musical programs.

In addition to my ending the presidency, I’ll be ending my membership in the EC as well since the vacancy in the EC would allow one member to join and continue to maintain the total number of 11 members in EC, the maximum number permitted under IASCCOFNY’s Constitution. The 2023 EC will select new President.

Again, sincere thanks to all of you for your participation and unconditional support.

Last but not least, my heartfelt gratitude to each of my EC members for their unwavering cooperation.

Wish you and your family happy holidays and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.


Mukund Mehta, President
Indo-American Senior Citizen Center of New York, Inc.
718 450 1829 (C)
December 3, 2022

Continuing as President For One More Year

Dear Friends:

Even before the ink was dry on my following 12/26/21 email of President’s Thank You Note, abrupt developments forced me to continue as President for one more year – 2022.

Since I had stepped down as President and an Executive Committee (EC) member at the end of 2021, as repeatedly declared earlier, I happened to attend as an observer the IASCCOFNY’s 1/5/22 EC meeting which was scheduled for voting for the new committee and selection of new President effective 1/1/22. No sooner I joined the meeting, one by one of the entire EC members, to my utter dismay, sincerely requested me to continue as President for one more year.

Despite my vehement wish for not continuing as President but respecting the persistent and overwhelming, and at times emotional, request by the entire Executive Committee to continue as President for one more year – 2022, I had to give up finally since there was no one except me at the meeting to defend my desire and I was in a microscopic minority against the tsunami of appeals for the continuation during the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of 2021 – 2022. So, here I’m as President for one more year.



Mukund Mehta, President

January 10, 2022

718 450 1829 (C)

President's Thank You Note


Dear Friends:


It was a great pleasure to be with you for about six years as President of IASCCOFNY. Can’t imagine how six years passed by. You don’t feel time when you enjoy working in the company of members like you who have been extremely cooperative and remained a guiding force to a person like me who took the leadership of the organization even though I had been a dormant and absolutely inactive member of IASCCOFNY for about a couple of decades.

With the unwavering cooperation of yours, my EC members, sponsors, supporters and dedicated volunteers, we were able to reach some milestones during the six years:

* Membership vaulted from 500+ to almost 1,600 covering members in the US and overseas, i.e., 1,100 new members over six years – on an average, a new  member every two days.

* Bank balance swelled from about $ 80,000 to $ 480,000+ inching towards half a million dollar mark.

* IASCCOFNY was recognized by a national TV – Channel 7 ABC as a vibrant organization during the pandemic period.

* Regular weekly Zoom meetings with mission-driven topics and entertainment since the inception of the pandemic in 2020.

* Introduction of WhatsApp to disseminate IASCCOFNY news instantly.

* Introduction of IASCCOFNY’s website incorporating therein a brief information about the Center, EC Members, volunteers, major events of 2015 to 2019, a library of 130 weekly Zoom meeting reports starting from 2020 to date together with an index, lists of more than 100 members each of those who sang prayers and those who proposed a Vote of Thanks. More items in the pipeline are a photo gallery capturing major past and present events, an online membership form, an announcement page for urgent news, a suggestion box, to name just a few.  The website is designed by Professor Raj who teaches computer skills to our members at Sunday classes.

As the website will incorporate weekly meeting reports, there won’t be any need to send out more than a thousand emails for each report.

* Partnered with India Home Inc., a leading staffed secular nonprofit organization catering to the needs of seniors at multiple locations in Queens.

* Successfully completing the Silver Jubilee year of 2021 (1996  –  2021).

The above achievements would not have been possible without your relentless support, enthusiasm and active participation in the activities of IASCCOFNY. Therefore, I’m truly indebted to all of you from the bottom of my heart and offer my sincere gratitude to you.

It’s gratifying to note that we all remained very busy during the pandemic period.

I have every hope and confidence that the new leadership effective January 1, 2022 will catapult IASCCOFNY to a new apex with expanded membership and utmost cooperation from all of us.

Wish you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.


Mukund Mehta, President
December 26, 2021
718 450 1829 (C)

Prayer Precedes Each Meeting

Together we pray for the Health, Wealth, Prosperity and Peace of our Community!

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” –Henry Ford

Prayer Precedes Each Meeting

Who We Are

About Us:

Indo-American Senior Citizen Center of New York, Inc., (“the Center”), a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, established 25 years ago, is currently celebrating its Silver Jubilee Year. The Center , with a membership of nearly 1,500, organizes a wide array of robust and innovative programs.

Mr. Mukund Mehta President

Our Mission:

The mission of the Center shall be to develop and conduct programs directly or in collaboration with other organizations for the benefit of senior citizens in order to address their needs. 

Our Vision

The Center aims to provide a common platform for seniors where they meet, mingle and enjoy their lives thereby avoiding isolation at home and age with grace.

Our Story

Generally, immigrants from India started arriving in 1970’s on a third preference Green Card visa. Their family members and parents, who immigrated thereafter as dependents, were less educated and lacked the English proficiency. Most of the time, they found themselves aloof from the American society as they aged due to the language barrier, food habits, different culture and customs which compelled them to be home bound.  Necessity is the mother of invention. The aging group felt a dire necessity to form some sort of a friendly association where they could assemble and enjoy with their peers. This led to the formation of the Center on a small case which mushroomed today with a large membership.

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