Indo-American Senior Citizen Center of New York

“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”

2020 Celebrations of the Center:

PRESIDENT’S REPORT # 13- Mukund Mehta

Dear Friends:

Hope you are fine. Although the lockdown restrictions are being eased, please follow the CDC guidelines as the number of Covid-19 cases are surging. 

Let’s brief you about the Center’s programs:

1. The Musical Program on June 11, 2020:

Through the courtesy of our members Mr. & Mrs. Bharatbhai and Neelaben Goradia, Mr. Nileshbhai Vasavada from Rajkot, India, entertained our seniors on Zoom for an hour and a half with a beautiful collection of Gujarati songs followed by a few Bollywood songs. 

Seniors enjoyed old songs such as, He Tane Jata Joi Panghat Ni Watte, Chandi Jaisa Rang He Tera, Sone Jaise Baal, Nayan Ne Bandh Rakhi Ne Me Jyaare Tamne Joya Che, Tari Aankh No Afini, Tara Bol No Bandhani, Ho Raj Mane Lagyo Kasumbi No Rang, Ye Daulat Bhi Le Lo, Ye Shoharat Bhi Le Lo, Khama Mara Nandji Na Laal Morli Kyare Vagaadi, Maru Man Mor Bani Thanghat Kare, Yaad Kiya Dil Ne Kaha, among others. 

Our thanks to Nileshbhai Vasavada for entertaining seniors. 

We appreciate Bharatbhai’s sincere efforts to introduce artists from India. This was the fourth event he brought to our Center for the enjoyment of our members. 

2. A Benevolent Work by a Youngster: 
Our last month’s report mentioned about the benevolent work for the benefit of healthcare force organized by a tenth grade student Khushie Shelat, 14, a grand daughter of our members Mr. & Mrs. Mahesh & Urmila Shelat. Members watching our Zoom program contributed $900 in addition to those who contributed later directly.
 Her efforts fetched $6,300 so far and counting according to the website which states that when you share Khushie’s GoFundMe, it could help them increase donations THREE TIMES. Wow!
Members are encouraged to contribute for a noble and humanitarian cause. Checks may be mailed st Khushie Shelat at 37 Kettlepond Road, Jericho, NY 11753.
 Please see the attached photos showing Congressman Tom Souzzi presenting a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition to Khushie. 
3. The Computer Class:

In order to protect the privacy while using the Zoom service, Prof Raj Vangapaty will like members to fill out a form and then he will send you an invite every Saturday for Sunday classes.

The following is the computer class form link and share it will all those interested in computer class:
Prof Raj Vangapaty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting on Sunday, June 14, 2020 from 10:30am to 12:30pm

Topic: Computer Technology Course for India Home Members

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 981 1412 6485
Password: 951753
4. The Yoga Class:
Our member Rupaben Dharia’s Yoga class is going in full swing as about 50 families participate on Zoom every Tuesday and Friday. The next class is on Tuesday, June 16, between 11:00 and 11:30am.

ID: 715 3405 1087
Password: 6789
5. The Arts Class:
India Home has extended invitation to our members to join the arts, creative writing and technology classes. Please contact Ms. Kavita Shah, Creative Aging Director, at 917 825 1559 for the Zoom link. 
6. Next Virtual Meetings on Zoom:
Please note the ID and Password for the following programs:
ID: 516 607 5252
Password: 5252

(A) Mental Impact of Coronavirus on Seniors:
Psychiatrists Dr. Nalini Juthani and Dr. Maya Rao will discuss salient aspects of the mental impact of the Coronavirus on seniors on Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 11:00am.
(B) Father’s Day Celebration:
The Center has planned a unique musical program by Dhomne Group with orchestra from India on Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 11:00am to celebrate Father’s Day, sponsored by Mrs. Naliniben Somaiya. The gala event will highlight varieties of songs covering different cultures of India. 
(C) Mr. Deepakbhai Dave’s Talk:
A talk by Mr. Deepakbhai Dave, Executive Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, is arranged on Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 11:00am.
(D) Musical Program:
A musical program of Bollywood and Gujarati songs by well known singer Mr. Umesh Patel and Associates is arranged on Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 11:00am.
(E) Musical Program:
A special musical program by Dhomne Group with orchestra ‘Best of O P Nayyar’ is planned on Saturday, July 11, 2020 at 11:00am, sponsored by Niranjanbhai and Minaxiben Patel. 
(F) Musical Program:
A unique musical program by Dhomne Group with orchestra celebrating Janmashtami is planned on Saturday, August 8, 2020 at 11:00am, sponsored by Mrs. Nayanaben Gandhi. 
(G) Vishnu Sahasranam:
As advised earlier, Dr. Narendra Bhalodkar’s program on Vishnu Sahasranam is on every Monday from 10:00 and 11:00am. His next program will be on June 15.
(H) Guru Tatva:
Spiritual Development Center celebrates 45th Anniversary, Guru Purnima, and presents “Guru Tatva” audio/visual musical program in Gujarati by Dr. Narendra Bhalodkar on Sunday, July 5, from 10:00am to 1:00pm. A flyer will be sent separately. 
Please stay healthy.
Mukund Mehta
June 13, 2020

Betty Friedan

“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”