Indo-American Senior Citizen Center of New York

“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”

2020 Celebrations of the Center:

PRESIDENT’S REPORT # 20 - Mukund Mehta

Dear Friends:
Hope all of you are well. During the week, the Center organized a Zoom meeting on Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 11:00am.
1. The July 30, 2020:
The meeting consisted of two segments, viz., presentation by Mr. Paresh Shah, a financial advisor, and a musical program by Mr. Nirav Parikh and his son Yash from Ahemedabad, India.
Due to the eleventh-hour assignment, I missed the entire meeting except for the last five minutes at the time of a vote of thanks. The meeting report is under preparation and will be sent to you shortly. 
2. The Computer Class:
Prof Raj Vangapaty requests you to enroll in the computer class by filling out a form so that he can send you directly the link for his Sunday classes. 
Here is the link to enroll into the Sunday computer course.
Prof Raj Vangapaty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting on Sunday, August 2, from 10:30am to 12:30pm. 

Topic: Computer Technology Course for India Home Members

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting
3. A Free Virtual Bollywood Dance Workshop:
Flyers were sent yesterday on IASCCOFNY WhatsApp for a free virtual Bollywood dance workshop on Zoom from Mumbai which will be held on Sunday, August 2, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm NY time. The flyers were received from Mr. & Mrs. Hiten & Alpa Bhuta of Kapol Samaj of North America. 
4. The Symbol of Swastika:
A few days back, an email regarding the symbol of Swastika was sent to you on IASCCOFNY WhatsApp and to several organizations highlighting the gravity and urgency of the issue. You are requested to clarify the significance of the symbol to your NYS Assemblyman and Senator (find out names from Google) on a priority basis before the Senate Bill S6648 become a law. 
5. The Yoga Class:
 Our member Rupaben Dharia’s Yoga class is going in full swing as about 50 families participate on Zoom every Tuesday and Friday. The next class is on Tuesday, August 4, between 11:00 and 11:30am. For your queries, please contact her at or by text at 917 435 1890.
ID: 715 3405 1087
Password: 6789
6. The Arts Class:
India Home has extended an invitation to our members to join the arts, creative writing and technology classes. Please contact Mrs. Kavita Shah, Creative Aging Director, at 917 825 1559 for the Zoom link. 
7. Future Programs: 
Mr. Pankaj Parikh, VP, provided details of the future programs: 
Please note the ID and Password for the programs (i) through (vii):
ID: 516 607 5252
Password: 5252
(i) Dr. Hasit Thakore’s Presentation:
Dr. Thakore’s presentation is “Neurological conditions and current pandemic” on Thursday, August 6, at 11:00am. 
Thereafter, Bollywood And Gujarati songs by Mr. Mandeep Devashryee of Ahemedabad.
(ii) Musical Program:
A unique musical program by Dhomne Group with orchestra celebrating Janmashtami is planned on Saturday, August 8, 2020 at 11:00am, sponsored by Mrs. Nayanaben Gandhi. 
(iii) Mr. Sukhdev Gadhavi’s Program:
Mr. Gadhavi’s Bhajans, Lokgeets, Comedy and Dayro on Thursday, August 13, 2020, at 11:00am. 
(iv) Mr. R. D. Patel’s Presentation:
A talk by Mr. R. D. Patel, Psychotherapist, on “Maro Suraj Athamavani Taiyari Ma Chhe” (Sunset of my life is on the horizon) is planned on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 11:00am
(v) Musical Program: 
A musical program by Dhomne Group with orchestra celebrating Lord Ganesh Utsava is planned on Saturday, August 22, 2020 at 11:00am, sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Mahesh & Urmila Shelat. 
(vi) Musical Program:
A musical program by Dhomne Group with orchestra dedicated to Shankar-Jaikishan is planned on Saturday, September 19, 2020 at 11:00am, sponsored by Drs. Dilip and Dipika Doctor.
(vii) Musical Program:
A musical program by Dhomne Group with orchestra is planned on Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 11:00am, sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Mayurbhai & Rekhaben Trivedi. 
(viii) Vishnu Sahsranam:
As advised earlier, Dr. Narendra Bhalodkar’s program on Vishnu Sahsranam is on every Monday from 10:00 and 11:00am. His next program will be on August 3, 2020. 
Mukund Mehta
August 1,  2020

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Betty Friedan

“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”