Indo-American Senior Citizen Center of New York

“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”

2021 Celebrations of the Center:

PRESIDENT’S REPORT # 77 - Mukund Mehta


Dear Friends: 

The following is a brief report of the Zoom meeting held on April 8, 2021. Proceedings of the meeting were recorded and promptly placed on YouTube by Jagdishbhai Patel, VP- PR. The meeting was anchored by Pankajbhai Parikh, VP, hosted by Jagdishbhai Patel and co-hosted by Niranjanbhai Patel, Secretary. A PowerPoint presentation of slides was displayed by Jyotindrabhai Patel, Past President of GSNY. Thanks to all. 

1. Dr. Manoj Shah’s Presentation:

The meeting started with a prayer by Mrs. Geetaben Rajnikant Ray. 

President welcomed viewers and introduced renowned Dr. Manoj Shah, Psychiatrist, whose academic excellence, professional affiliations and research-based articles are noteworthy. (Profile attached). He thanked Dr. Hiralal Patel for liaising today’s meeting. Dr. Ashwin Pandya, Psychiatrist, the Founding President of the Center and a relative of Dr. Manoj Shah, blessed the activities of the Center. 

With the aid of his well-prepared slides, Dr. Shah succinctly discussed the psychological impact of Covid-19 on various age group people, symptoms experienced by patients, mental effects due to lockdowns, quarantines, isolation, socio-economic issues, insurance dilemma, legal status, and suggestions as well as treatments to minimize the impact. The symptoms include loss of taste, smell, headaches, muscle pain, sleep disorders, seizures, impaired vision, to name just a few. 

Dr. Shah elaborated symptoms emanating from anxiety and depression which are the primary effects of Covid. He analyzed obsessive, compulsive and other disorders. Negative outcome of the pandemic has been evident from the increased use of alcohol, smoking, and sleeping pills. It adversely impacted older adults who worry about mortality, social isolation and loneliness. 

Although the pandemic struggles still abound, it has some positive effects such as senior citizens learning computer skills, elevated connections with family and friends through Zoom and engagement in spiritual activities. Dr. Shah’s suggestions include meditation, nutrition,  exercise, enough sleep, social contacts, and learning about disease and its development. 

Viewers thanked Dr. Shah and appreciated the breadth and depth of his knowledge on the subject, his detailed analysis, and lucid explanation in Gujarati. Considering the value of a professional’s time, viewers may contact Dr. Shah by texting ahead and leaving a voicemail message on his cell at 516 455 9434.

2. Comedy Program by Mr. Milan Trivedi:

Our member Mr. Bharat Goradia once again brought a comedian’s program. He has continued to serve our seniors during the grim pandemic period by bringing so far twelve programs of artists such as singers, magician, inspiration speaker, and comedians. Due to his contacts, artists are made available to the Center at a reasonable cost. Thanks Bharatbhai. 

Congratulations to Bharatbhai for receiving the most coveted award of Cultural Ambassador between India and USA from Kashi Indian International Film Festival – 2021. One more feather in his hat. 


Also congratulations to Renuka & Chandrakant Shah for the Best Couple – Indian American and to Suhag Mehta for national promoter and cultural ambassador for India in USA. The Center takes pride that its members were recipients of awards. 

Bharatbhai introduced Rajkot-based international award-winning comedian Milan Trivedi describing him as a king of comedy. For almost an hour and a half he entertained viewers with laughter with a series of jokes, anecdotes, humorous banters, and a tounge-in-cheek style of humor. His fun talks targeted at young, old, males and females. Viewers enjoyed his program. 

3. Contributions:
 Our thanks to Deep Patel (son of Niranjan Patel, Secretary) for a generous donation of $101 celebrating his daughter Zarna’s birthday. 
4. Housie Update:
Pankajbhai Parikh, VP, provided an update on the ensuing Housie games. 
A Vote of Thanks by Mrs. Ramaben Sampat. 

5. The Computer Class:

Please note: Time Change for April 11 Sunday Comp. Class, at 1:30 pm 

Prof Raj Vangapaty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Computer Technology Course for Senior Members
Time: April 11, 2021 Comp Class at 1:30pm 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 981 1412 6485
Passcode: 986240

6. The Yoga Class:

Our member Rupaben Dharia’s Yoga class is going in full swing as about 70 families participate on Zoom every Tuesday and Friday at 11:00am. The next class is on Tuesday, April 13, 2021.For your queries, please contact her at or by text at 917 435 1890.

ID: 715 3405 1087
Password: 6789


7. The Arts Class:

India Home has extended an invitation to our members to join the arts, creative writing, cooking, crafts and technology classes. Please contact Mrs. Kavita Shah, Creative Aging Director, at 917 825 1559 for the Zoom link as well as for new educational and informative events. For additional programs, you may visit the following link:

Meeting ID: 728 015 4731
Passcode: 2007

8. Future Programs:

Jitendra Zaveri, Jt. Secretary, provided details of future programs. 

Please note the ID and Password for the programs (i) through (viii).

ID: 516 607 5252
Password: 5252

(i) Presentation on Co-Living and Co-Housing for Seniors:
A resourceful presentation on a new concept of co-living and co-housing by Dr. Vasundhara Kalasapudi, Executive Director of India Home, Inc. is planned on Thursday, April 15, 2021 from 10:30am to 12:00pm. Details of the subsequent program from 12:00pm to 1:30pm will be announced later. 


(ii) Music Program:

A musical program of Ram Navmi by Dhomne Group, sponsored by Mukund & Padma Mehta, is planned on Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 10:30am. Drs. Shyam & Maya Rao are co-sponsors. A flyer is attached.


(iii) Music Programs: 

Music programs are planned between 12:00pm to 1:00pm by singer Tanmayee Mohapatra on Thursday, April 22 and by singer Ipshita Roy on Thursday, April 29, 2021, both arranged through Bharatbhai Goradia. Programs for 10:30am to 12:00pm will be announced later. 


(iv) Music Program:
A music program by Dhomne Group, sponsored by Rajni & Dr. Jyoti Gandhi, is planned on Saturday, May 1, 2021. Details to follow. 
(v) Mother’s Day:
Mother’s Day celebration sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Arvindbhai Vora is planned on Saturday, May 8, 2021 at 10:30am. Drs. Shyam & Maya Rao are co-sponsors. Details to follow. 
(vi) Bhajan Program:
A bhajan program by Varsha Joshi, sponsored by Mrs. Hemaxiben Parekh, is planned on Thursday, May 20, 2021 between 12:00pm to 1:30pm. A program for 10:30am to 12:00pm will be announced later. 
(vii) Father’s Day:

Father’s Day celebration is planned on Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 10:30am. Details to follow. 

(viii) Vishnu Sahasranam:

As advised earlier, Dr. Narendra Bhalodkar’s program on Vishnu Sahsranam is on every Monday from 9:45 to 11:30am. His next program will be on Monday, April 12,  2021

(ix) Bhajan Sandhya:

Spiritual Development Center (Adhyatmik Vikas Kendra) organizes Bhajan Sandhya every Friday from 8:30pm to 10:30pm. For information, pl contact Paragbhai Patel, President, at 646 496 7748.

ID 127 918 441
Password 1975 


(x) Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan:


Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has arranged Tame Man Muki Varso music program on Sunday, April 11, 2021, Dil Se Desi musical program on Saturday, April 17, 2021, and Geet Gagan Na Gashun on Sunday, April 18, 2021. Flyers are attached. 

(xi) FIPA’s Gala Event:
Federation of Indian Physicians Association has planned a gala event on Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 7pm. A flyer is attached. 
(xii) Ram Navmi Celebration:
Mrs. Amita Amin has planned a Ram Navmi celebration on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 7pm. 
ID 946 7328 1424
Passcode 171207
(xiii) Programs of VTNY and/or SCC of VTNY:
Details of programs to be announced later: April 24 (Karaoke), May 7, and May 22, 2021
(xiv) Gujarat Day:
GSNY is planning to celebrate the Gujarat Day on Saturday, May 1, 2021. Details to follow. 
(xv) Gujarat Day:
GONA USA is celebrating Gujarat Day on Saturday, May 1, 2021 depicting Gujarat darshan with well known artists. A flyer was placed on WhatsApp earlier. 
(xvi) Jain Senior Group (JSG):
Jain Senior Group has planned the following events:
(a) Musical program by Sanjeevani Bhelande, 5/8/21 at 8pm
(b) Musical program by Mukhtar Shah, 6/19/21 at 8:30pm
A flyer was placed on WhatsApp. 

Please stay healthy.

Mukund Mehta, President

April 10, 2021

718 450 1829 (C)


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Betty Friedan

“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”