Indo-American Senior Citizen Center of New York

“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”

2020 Celebrations of the Center:

PRESIDENT’S REPORT # 08 - Mukund Mehta


Dear Friends:

I hope you are well and keeping yourself busy during these challenging times. 

1. Dr. Narendra Bhalodkar’s Presentation:

Dr. Narendra Bhalodkar made a presentation on Narsinh Avatar Jayanti through Zoom on Thursday, May 7 for the benefit of members of our Center and other organizations. 
Mostly, we’re all aware of the story of Narsinh Avatar, wherein a demon Hiranyakashypu tries to kill his son Prahlad who is a staunch bhakta of Lord Vishnu. Since Hiranyakashyapu had a Vardan that he could not be killed during the day or night, inside or outside, by any weapon, and by man or animal, Lord Vishnu adapts into a mixed avatar that is neither man nor animal and kills the demon at the junction of day and night, inside and outside. 
Narsinh Avatar like Vaman Avatar, Ram Avatar and Krishna Avatar, illustrates that Lord Vishnu uplifts and protects the bhaktas from evil. 
Members (200) enjoyed Dr. Bhalodkar’s lucid presentation, which was very well researched, based on Shashtras. He had given presentations to Indo-American on several subjects in the past. 
We are greatly thankful to Dr. Bhalodkar for his time and efforts. 
2. Computer Class:

Some of you attended India Home’s computer class conducted by Prof Raj Reddy on Zoom last Sunday. He has sent the following link today for tomorrow Sunday class which you may wish to join. For security concerns, he provides a new link each Saturday for the next day, Sunday. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 981 1412 6485
Password: 225566
It is necessary for you to submit to him your enrollment form for the class so that he will send you an invite every Saturday for Sunday classes. The following is the link:
3. Masks:

Mr. Jagdishbhai Patel, VP-PR, has obtained masks for our members for protection from the virus. Interested members may pick up masks from him by calling 516 607 5252 so that he can keep them outside of his home in Manhasset Hills. We thank him for procuring masks for members. 

By the way, it was Jagdishbhai’s 40th wedding anniversary yesterday and we all wish him and his wife Shailaben a very happy anniversary! 

4. Next Virtual Meeting:

Our member Mr. Vijay Shah, a musical virtuoso, will entertain us at the next Zoom meeting on Thursday, May 14, 2020 from 11:00am to 12:30pm. He has provided the following Zoom link:

Click to start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Password: 1234

We appreciate and thank Vijaybhai for rendering his voluntary services for the benefit of members. 

5. The Yoga Class:

Our member Rupaben Dharia’s Yoga class is going in full swing as 43 families participated on Zoom on Friday. The next class is on Tuesday, May 12 between 11:00 and 11:30am.

ID: 715 3405 1087
Password: 6789

6. Mr. Hemantbhai Shah:

Our member Mr. Hemantbhai Shah, Past President of Jain Senior Group and Executive VP of F-BIMA, is not only an active social worker but also a poet as is reflected in his creation (attached) written in 2008 which is so appropriate for current times. 
Please stay safe.


Mukund Mehta
May 9, 2020

Betty Friedan

“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”